Digestion Problems solution in Ayurveda

Digestive problems are the most common problems in day to day life. Ayurveda provides simple solutions to these common complaints by considering not only what we eat but how we consume our meals. For example, how many times have you seen someone munching on a sandwich while driving through traffic? How many times have you caught a bite to eat at your workstation because you could not take the time to have a proper lunch? he process of eating, according to Ayurveda, is something reverent and important for the development of consciousness as well as our physical health
Ayurveda recommends eating a one-inch piece of fresh ginger with a few drops of lemon juice and a few pinches of salt on it before a full meal. This starts to activate the salivary glands, producing the necessary enzymes so that the nutrients in the food are easily absorbed by the body. If you have a Pitta imbalance, you can take cool drinks in between meals. Cold or frozen foods are not recommended for Pitta either, because even though they may temporarily cool down the heat, the Agni is still being overstimulated and the imbalance will continue. Another ayurvedic tip for digestion is to drink a fresh yogurt drink called lassi at lunchtime.